Elsa Clair

adorable, sweet  always busy, on her way / Elsa Clair has plans


must be a mistake / calendar is defective / there's no caturday #HaikuByCat #MicroPoetry #Haikusday

Today's haiku is by Elsa Clair.

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sometimes you need to / stretch yourself, and find ways to / see past obstacles #HaikuByCat #Haikusday #MicroPoetry

Today's haiku is by Elsa Clair.

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when listing innate / features of cats, don't forget / flexibility

Today's haiku is by: Elsa Clair

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at the summit she waits: / a guru with life advice / purrs cure everything

Today's haiku is by Elsa Clair.

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..and then Mouse, he says, / “Only at midnight!” Cat joke. / You wouldn’t get it #HaikuByCat

Today's haiku is by Elsa Clair.

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#HaikuByCat could you let me know / when dinner will be ready / asking for a friend

Today's haiku is by Elsa Clair.

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#HaikuByCat picture is crooked / it wasn't the cat's fault but / she will make it right

Today's haiku is by Elsa Clair.

Cats as decorators. Discuss.

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Haiku By Cat: sometimes there are days / where you just want to hide your / head under your paws

Today's haiku is by Elsa Clair.

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#HaikuByCat how would you know if / it’s clean without the help of / a sink inspector

Today's haiku is by Elsa Clair.

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#HaikuByCat balanced on the sill / watching chipmunk scurry by / could have been dinner

Today's haiku is by Elsa Clair.

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  14. Pingback: Never - Haiku by Cat

  15. Pingback: Chipmunk - Haiku by Cat

  16. Pingback: Hide - Haiku by Cat

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